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Interim management as the key for the next generation funds development

Much has been said in recent months, and more will be said, about the next generation funds that Europe has approved for Spain and that are soon to be received. Due to their volume, 750,000 million euros in total, of which 140,000 million euros will be destined for Spain in six years, it is predicted to be a historic opportunity for Spanish companies for delivering new projects that the government approves, or so it is assumed, since we have the experiences of the subsidies granted by the EU to bring us closer to the average wealth of European economies. Based on all this, I would like to make a series of reflections in order to make the most of these investments in projects that really allow us to give a qualitative leap to our companies, based on the professionalization of their management:

  • In Spain we have a business fabric in which 97% are SMEs (companies with up to 250 employees), with 94% being micro-enterprises (less than 10 employees), generally not very professionalized in their management, which makes it most of the times difficult to design and manage projects that contribute to their growth and development.
  • Due to this situation of our business fabric, it is essential the public-private collaboration and multinationals with SMEs, which act as engines that drive and lead the projects, since they have the capacity to do so and in which these small companies can contribute their agility, speed of implementation and their specialization in specific activities and areas, which add together with other companies and achieve complementarity. It is very difficult for a company to be an expert in everything.
  • One of the approaches that must be behind it is the "digital transformation", that does not only consist of buying computer equipment, implementing an ERP, having teleworking workers or setting up a website or an e-commerce, it must involve a real change in the efficiency of processes, in the way of working and in the culture of the company.
  • Another key is the internationalization, for which the size of the company is not and should not be an impediment. Doing so is a declaration of intent, it is the opportunity to get out of the comfort zone (which is no longer for pure survival), to establish a mentality of continuous improvement in our organization, of new opportunities for the sale of our products or services to a market where our value proposition must go beyond the mere provision of a service or the sale of a product at a competitive price, but where our company vision can go much further.
  • And finally, another key must be training, which must go from being a limitation to a window of opportunity as a matter of survival, since it must be transformed into the training that will enable people to contribute more value to organizations and allow them to evolve in their professional development.

I believe that this is a unique opportunity to take advantage of, counting on the right professionals to help companies to make that real leap and that it is not merely a circumstantial effect, but something structural in the evolution of their trajectory, which generates a change of mentality and culture and creates a breeding ground to continue taking advantage of the future. For all this, the figure of interim managers fits very well, those who can provide companies with the necessary and sufficient managerial capacity by making available to them all their expertise, not only to lead and manage these projects, but also to help companies in this process of change management so that it is not bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.



Signature: Pío Iglesias Carrera
Partner and Interim Management Director


