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Servitalent, a company certified in Equality and Diversity Management Systems

Firmly committed to work defined by its rigour, transparency and objectivity, at Servitalent, for the carrying out of our executive talent management activity this year we acted to be approved as a consultancy certified to implement the SGI D-20 SGI (Equality and Diversity Management Systems) standard, which recognizes those companies and organizations that meet the requirements established by law with respect to Equal Opportunities, as set down in Law 3/2007.
This standard also serves to quantify the company's level of commitment to equal opportunities through an external verification and certification system, and seeks to serve as a management tool for those companies that decide to implement policies of inclusion and non-discrimination and support respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of all workers
As always, our initial motivation is based on Servitalent's continual commitment to the pursuit of excellence and, of course, in order to resolutely promote equal opportunities with regards to our development of managerial skills through our executive search and interim management services.


What is the SGI 20.10 standard?

The SGI 20.10 Standard was developed by SGI STANDARDS in response to clients' demand for the definition of requirements to be able to evaluate and certify their management systems The "SGI 20.10” terminology alludes to "Equal Opportunity Management Systems" in Spanish
This standard, the first of its kind in Europe, is based on years of development and experience with other business management systems, and is rooted in and fundamentally based on the existing legal regulations in the different states in both the European Union and Latin America, upholding the fundamental right to Equality found in the Treaty of Rome and the 2002/73/EC and 2004/113/EC directives.

Its essential aim is to enable organizations to monitor equality between men and women in all corporate areas, with its implementation improving performance with respect to equality, parity and non-discrimination criteria.

The SGI 2010 standard may be applied to organizations of all types and sizes, to:

  • Establish a management system to eliminate or minimize existing or potential inequalities
  • Implement, maintain and continually improve an equality management system.
  • Ensure compliance with an established equality policy.
  • Demonstrate compliance with this standard by:
    - Conducting a self-assessment.
    - Securing compliance regarding equality management by interested parties (legal representation of workers, administrations, clientele, suppliers, etc.)
    - Securing the certification of the equality management system by an external entity.
  • Demonstrate the existence and implementation of the protocols required by law.
  • Improve the organization’s image with its staff and their perceptions of its degree of awareness.

Requirements as an approved consultancy

In order to be approved as a certified consultancy for the implementation of the standard, we had to train one of our consultants to ensure that she had the appropriate knowledge and experience to implement Equal Opportunity management systems, meeting the following requirements:

  • Training in the sector, and experience.
  • Qualification as an Equality Agent according to SGI Standards criteria (Training course as an Auditor specialized in the implementation of the SGI Standards).
  • At least 100 days of professional consulting experience.
  • Knowledge of national and regional regulations.
  • Knowledge of the language of the company in question.
  • Specific and practical experience in the relevant standards and spheres.



Firma: María Calviño Vázquez
Directora de Organización y Proyectos