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Today we celebrate Women's Day
Usar este hashtag #WomensDay2022  - Our Associate Director, Virginia Seguí, shares what the commemoration of International Women's Day means to her and how she relates this day to her work within Servitalent. Congratulations to these and all the great women and professionals with whom we have the pleasure of working and collaborating! #WomensDay2022
Servitalent signs an agreement with Bizkaired as an official provider specialized in managers and talent management.
In our eagerness to become a reference company in the sector of executives and talent management in the north of Spain (mainly in the Basque country), we have signed an agreement as an official provider of professional services for the Association of companies of Bizkaia: BizkairedIn our eagerness to become a reference company in the sector of executives and talent management in the north of Spain (mainly in the Basque country), we have signed an agreement as an official provider of professional services for the Association of companies of Bizkaia: Bizkaired
Why outsource your selection process to SERVITALENT?
Our Director of Selection, Talent and Audit, Antía Barros, explains what are the guarantees of replacement in the incorporation of a candidate in the companies of our clients, being one of the reasons why they choose us in Servitalent to carry out their selection processes.
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