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Today we celebrate Women's Day
Usar este hashtag #WomensDay2022  - Our Associate Director, Virginia Seguí, shares what the commemoration of International Women's Day means to her and how she relates this day to her work within Servitalent. Congratulations to these and all the great women and professionals with whom we have the pleasure of working and collaborating! #WomensDay2022
Your corporate partners
The relationships with collaborators and partners are an essential part of the communication strategy in Servitalent but beyond the work it is a very enriching, cooperative relationship and from which, our Head of Communication and Digital Marketing Manto Antoniotti, has been able to obtain great learning performing part of the public relations of the company. Get to know her experience!
Hybrid work, remote or in person, which one would you choose? 
If the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic left us with something, it was the ability to adapt to the new situation in many aspects, one of the most important: the work modality. There are many contrasting opinions and preferences between one modality and another, which our Selection, Talent and Audit Technician, Nerea Lijó Pardavila, affirms that each person has their own reasons for deciding which one to choose. So, find out what Nerea's experience is like working as a hybrid at Servitalent!
Servitalent, a company certified in guaranteeing information security
Our Director of Organization and Projects, María Calviño, comments on the implementation and certification of ISO standards in Servitalent, being ISO 27001 the most recent in our commitment to ensure the security of information for the continuous improvement of internal processes in order to provide value to our customers: companies, candidates and interim managers.
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