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20 years of managerial experience in the service of talent management

What value can a manager who has spent the last 20 years of his professional career in positions of the highest responsibility in companies and in different types of organizations can bring to a company such as Servitalent, in talent management, selection, interim management, etc...? 

In senior management positions, a capacity to analyze business situations and work environments is developed, which can be extremely important to understand customers and their needs, and to provide the most appropriate solution

By working in different companies for years, we have developed the ability to understand the different company cultures. Each company has its own culture, history, philosophy, habits, methods, processes and the solutions to be provided must be adapted to this culture. And we can also see when a culture must be changed or reoriented, either because times evolve, the environment changes, the competition uses another philosophy that allows them to compete in better conditions, in these cases companies must evolve by adapting to the environment and we can collaborate in this process.

An experienced manager has worked in different sectors, different environments, and has had to analyze and internalize them and help his company to improve. This background makes it possible to analyze the different environments of different companies in an objective way, separating the wheat from the chaff and going to what is really important, in a fast and effective way. And in this way provide solutions that are perfectly adapted and that can be considered sustainable over time and structural.

We also develop the implementation strategy of the solution, we monitor the results to correct if necessary, we help the company in the process, we put ourselves in their shoes easily. 

It is possible that we do not have the technical know-how to carry out the most technical and specialized part of the missions, but of course, with a team like ours behind, to carry out the above, there is no space for failure.



Signature: Juan Blanco Lino 
Associate Director Servitalent